Review Mobile homes Istra Premium Camping Resort Funtana (V) - Lokacija in sama mobilna hišica so res lepi. , Croatia, guest reviews & comments |

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7.2 / 10
name Nataša
country Slovenija
date 2022-05-08 10:33:41
Type of accommodation Premium MH Exclusive Grand-Vista (Zone Sea view)
commendations Lokacija in sama mobilna hišica so res lepi.
complaints Moramo pa se pritožiti nad čistoćo objekta, nećiste kopalnice, drobtine na tleh.....
your advice to other travelers
service 7
value for money 7
sleeping 8.5
cleanliness 4
location 8.5
rooms 8.5
pools 8.5
personnel 5.5
WiFi 7
Customer’s service:
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