Recensione Mobile homes Jaroslav - Excellent mobile home, the location is sensational, dolphins in front of the house. You can relax well because the environment is quiet., Croazia recensioni |

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8.3 / 10
nome Dave
nazione France
data 2023-01-14 18:30:26
Tipo di alloggio MH 4 - Jaroslav 1 - 51 m2
raccomandazioni Excellent mobile home, the location is sensational, dolphins in front of the house. You can relax well because the environment is quiet.
reclami Bad access roads, only 1 towel per person
il vostro consiglio ad altri viaggiatori
servizio 8.5
rapporto qualità prezzo 7
dormire 8.5
pulizia 8.5
posizione 8.5
camere 10
Wi-Fi 7
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