recenze Labranda Velaris Village - Paviljon Vrilo & Vlačica - It was nice stay! Room was not clean proprely when we arrived but after phoning reception evrything was fixed quite quiclky. Rooms were not that big, but we loved the beach and the food in the restaurant. Very quite at the night. hodnocení |

<< Zpátky na hodnocení objektu
7.3 / 10
Jméno Amra Mulisic
Místo Stockholm
Země Sweden
Datum 2013-03-10 21:44:40
Typ pokoje
pochvala It was nice stay! Room was not clean proprely when we arrived but after phoning reception evrything was fixed quite quiclky. Rooms were not that big, but we loved the beach and the food in the restaurant. Very quite at the night.
důtka Room maybe to small for family of 4
Vaše rada pro ostatní cestovatele
služba 7
poměr cena / kvalita 8.5
spaní 8.5
čistota 7
poloha 7
pokoje 7
bazény 4
stravování 8.5
personál 8.5
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