recenze Apartment Club Vala - Nice quiet place with close distance to the beach, clean rooms. hodnocení |

<< Zpátky na hodnocení objektu
8.5 / 10
Jméno michael
Místo Kalundborg
Země Denmark
Datum 2016-08-09 12:02:16
Typ pokoje
pochvala Nice quiet place with close distance to the beach, clean rooms.
důtka There was no balcony so it was difficult to get the bathing suit and towel dry
Vaše rada pro ostatní cestovatele if you are traveling with children the water becomes deep quickly
služba 8.5
poměr cena / kvalita 8.5
spaní 8.5
čistota 8.5
poloha 8.5
pokoje 8.5
personál 8.5
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