Dům Angelina – K5 – ostrov Pasman

Dům Angelina – K5 – ostrov Pasman

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Dům Angelina – K5 – ostrov Pasman Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina Dům Angelina
Parkování zdarma
Parkování zdarma
Vzdálenost 5 km
Pláž 20 m

Dům Angelina – K5 – ostrov Pasman

Parkování zdarma
Parkování zdarma
Vzdálenost 5 km
Pláž 20 m

Dům Angelina – K5 – ostrov Pasman

kamenný dům na ostrově Pasman, 10 m od moře, vhodný pro 4–5 osob.

jižní strana ostrova Pasman

Moře: 10 m, nejbližší pláž: 10 m, centrum: 5 000 m, gril
Parking next to the house

oblázková, betonová

Nabídka hotelu:
The nature house is located on the beach on the island of Pasman, in the bay of Sv. Ante, in an olive grow of 2500m2, and is accessible by car. Only the first floor is open for guests, the ground floor is not in use and not inhabited. With two bedrooms, each with a double bed, and a sofa in the kitchen, it can accommodate 4-5 persons.
There is a barbecue, outside shower, a smaller furnished balcony and big furnished terrace on the ground floor, all with beautiful sea view. Bed linen are prepared for you. Fresh bed linen arrives once a week. Bathroom towels and beach towels are not available, please bring your own.
We recommend that you bring your mobile phone, so you can contact local agency in case of need. You may recharge your mobile phone in the house, with your regular household recharger.
The fresh water reservoir is of 35.000 l. Running warm and cold water is installed in the kitchen and the bathroom, there is a gas instantaneous water heater. Electricity is generated by solar power, 220 V, no household appliancies may be used except of battery rechargers (mobile phone, laptop) and lights. The outside shower gets warm water from a black container which warms up by the warmth of the sun. The water and the electricity should be spent here sparingly. Since the freshwater in the tank is staying there in high temperatures, we recommend it to be boiled before drinking, or that the users of accommodation would purchase bottled water for drinking.
This holiday house is directly accessible by car, by the road over the hill that leads to the bay of Sv. Ante. This is a makeshift and somewhat coarse (gravel / earth) road over the hill, that can be affected by weather conditions. These roads are passable for a regular car, with slow and careful driving. Ferry tickets are not included in the price.
Minimum stay is 7 days, from Saturday to Saturday only.
This is a pet-friendly house; pets are welcome here, against a surcharge of 5 EUR per day per pet. Kindly check in during the morning till early afternoon at our agency, because the transfer and the arrival to the reserved accommodation unit is very inconvenient at night. After the check-in in our agency you will travel to the island. If you find these details unclear or you have any further questions for which answers can not be found here, please contact us. The Agency can not be held responsible if the customer does not inquire for the details that are important to him but are not mentioned, or for details of the object which are out of any reason not completely clear to the customer.

povolena (5 eur/den)

9:00 do místní cestovní agentury

do 10:00 z domu

Dům Angelina, na ostrově Pasman, má dvě ložnice, každou se dvěma postelemi, a v kuchyni pohovku pro jednu osobu. V přízemí je samostatná toaleta (v prvním podlaží je koupelna). Zásobník na pitnou vodu 35 000 l, elektřina 220 V ze solárního zdroje. Tekoucí studená voda je zavedena na toaletě a v kuchyni, sprcha je vybavena termovaky (tyto vaky se umístí na slunce, kde se v nich voda na sprchování ohřeje na příjemnou teplotu). V kuchyni je plynová lednička a plynový sporák. Hosté mají připraveno povlečení a nádobí. Ručníky a plážové osušky nejsou k dispozici, přivezte si prosím vlastní.Před domem je gril, uvnitř domu je krb. Dům je dostupný autem, lístek na přívoz není započten v ceně.

Dobré vědět

Parkování zdarmaParkování zdarma


20 m


oblázková, betonová

Ubytování Služba 01.04.-22.06., 31.08.-02.10. 22.06.-29.06., 24.08.-31.08. 29.06.-24.08.
Dům Angelina 1 x pronájem 122.00 186.00 214.00

Cena zahrnuje:

– cena zahrnuje týdenní pobyt a pobytovou daň.
- bed linen are included in price (change 1 x week). No towels - bring them with you
- only periods Saturday - Saturday.


– při příjezdu je nutné zaplatit registraci. Registrační poplatek činí 10 eura/osoba (jednorázově za všechny osoby).
– domácí zvířata jsou povolena za příplatek 5 eur/den splatný při příjezdu.

Dovolená Chorvatsko

Akce -24 %

05.05. - 09.06.

| Pronájem

Akce -2 %

léto 2024

| Pronájem

Akce 30 %


| Pronájem

Akce -10 %


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