Mnenje Bluesun Hotel Maestral - Very nice hotel for those who likes privacy and comform. Quite and small (in terms of number of rooms) hotel. Very convenient location in the close proximity to the center. Very nice beach just two steps from the hotel. Very good breakfasts and dinners. For sure can and will recommend it !!!, Hrvaška, ocene - mnenje gostov & komentarji |

<< Nazaj na oceno objekta
8.2 / 10
ime Nataliya
kraj Moscow
država Russia
datum 2017-09-06 13:29:13
Tip namestitve
pohvala Very nice hotel for those who likes privacy and comform. Quite and small (in terms of number of rooms) hotel. Very convenient location in the close proximity to the center. Very nice beach just two steps from the hotel. Very good breakfasts and dinners. For sure can and will recommend it !!!
graja The only negative impression is about rooms and furniture. Rooms are spacy but old-fationed and except for the bathrooms require urgent refurbishing - new furniture, TV.
vaš nasvet drugim popotnikom For sure I would recommend the Hotel and the place - Brela! for relaxing comfortable summer holiday ! Many thanks to all personell of the hotel for good care and attention!
storitev 8.5
razmerje cena / kvaliteta 7
spanje 7
čistoča 10
lokacija 10
sobe 5.5
bazeni 7
prehrana 8.5
osebje 8.5
WiFi 10
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(041) 838 697